David Blum

My Life As I Choose To Live It

Category Archives: General

Map Of The Wandering In The Wilderness

This is 13 of 13 maps I have in my Thomas Nelson Authorized King James Open Study Bible that I have scanned and uploaded to my blog.

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Welcome Message

I would just like to say Hi & Welcome to all who have found their way here.

There isn’t alot here at the moment as I’m in the process of revamping my blog.

I will be adding new content to my blog as the days go by, so bookmark it or subscribe to the email updates.

Remember, masks don’t work & vaccines are 100% pure poison

Thanks for stopping by.

Fundraising Foolishness

I see all these fundraising causes for illnesses such as cancer, cystic fibrosis and a lot of others and I shake my head. I’m not against wanted to have others get healed I just will never donate to these causes, as ALL the different diseases and illnesses are curable already as they have had the cures for a long time and are just not using them.

You may think I’m nuts for saying this, but it’s true no matter what you may think. You just need to do some investigating on it. You are being played by the Big Pharma Greed Machine and the PTB.

The best placed to put your trust when it comes to your health is with Yeshua. He can heal you spiritually, mentally and physically if you give your life to him.